News and events
Frank Cassata WHS Online talk Thursday, May 5, 2022. 7:00 PM – 8:00 PM BST
Frank Cassata shows us the highlights of his extensive commercial archive, located in Long Island, New York...Read more
The Art of Wallpaper, Dovecot Studios, Edinburgh 28th January - 11th June 2022

The popularity of William Morris endures to this day with so many homes still displaying his vibrant wallpapers replete with English flora and bird life fashioned into stylised patterns reflective of the principles of honest design that drove the Arts and Crafts movement. Now a new exhibition explores the work of the man ... Read more
A wallpaper discovery that is inspiring an artist

When artist Nicole Tilley realised that wallpapers
discovered in a farmhouse were being removed in favour of the original stone walls, she quickly set about retrieving as many examples as possible, discovering a range of papers dating over many years ... Read more
Clare Taylor's 2021 AGM presentation
'The Flock Trail: Two Hundred Years of Colour, Pattern and Texture'

Following the AGM there was an opportunity to hear Clare Taylor deliver a talk on ‘The Flock Trail: Two Hundred Years of Colour, Pattern and Texture’. Clare’s expertise in this area is well known and the audience was fascinated to learn about the origins, making and hanging of flock paper.... Read more
2021 AGM takes place on Zoom

Members from across the world joined together for the WHS AGM on 10th December 2021, which for the first time took place on Zoom. Although we missed seeing each other and sharing food at the Art Workers’ Guild in London, our normal venue, meeting online allowed many more members to attend.... Read more
Book review - Wallpaper: a History of Style and Trends

An easy way to describe this book is as a veritable thing of beauty. Of course, this is to be expected of a publication which focuses on the themes of style and trends in wallpapers....Read more
Exclusive Member-only virtual tour of Jane Austen's House
Our online event, 'Jane Austen's House' provided a tailored tour of the house and a fascinating insight into the home life of the author, as well as a lively discussion on the wallpapers found. Read more...
'Tales From the Parsonage: Wallpaper and Vicarage Life 1790-1850'

Society Members enjoyed a fascinating and entertaining online presentation by Rowena Beighton-Dykes as she shared some of her research into the buying habits and decorative choices of the clergy
Instagram account reaches over 5000 followers

The Society's Instagram account, run by Rowena Beighton-Dykes, posts regularly and now has more than 5000 followers. If you're missing out, find us on @wallpaperhistsoc